87. Indra Devi . Part one
Indra Devi was seven years old, when she picked up the
fallen walking stick of a fakir ( a
Muslim mystic ), and handed it back to him in Ziarat ( Baluchistan, Pakistan ).
The fakir said that this was not
their first meeting and it won’t be the last, and that he will come to her in
her hour of need.
She was fifteen years old when she was bitten by a dog and
developed rabies (a universally fatal disease at that time) and hydrophobia (fear
of water). As she was near death, her brother happened to meet the same fakir, who came to her bedside at once,
and cured her. His name was Rajib Sain,
and Indra saw him later, a few times, in her inner vision.
In May 1935, at 3 am, a female voice woke her up from sleep
and told her to get up and leave the house at once. Voice came repeatedly. She
left the bed and ran outside, and told some relatives to do the same also. An
earthquake came and house collapsed. Thirty people from that house died.
Soon she realized that she was different. She had a deep
aversion to sex. In 1945, when her son was five years old, things began to
happen rapidly. She realized that she could read other person’s thoughts,
unconsciously. But she could not read any one’s thoughts, deliberately. Twice
she saw a skeleton, instead of her face, in the mirror. Then a voice stated
telling her; “Why have you come? Have you come for this?..........”
She had a vision of Jesus Christ:………………………………………..A few men
with heavy clumsy clothes………..there was someone bent double, dragging on his
back a roughly hewn tree shaped like a cross. It was too heavy for
him……………….She pushed her way through the crowd, and drawing near the person,
dragging, cried out: “Oh Lord, why do you allow them to do this to you?” she
went down on her knees and wept. He who looked so frail and weary looked up at
her, and she saw that His eyes were not
Her friend told her that she was psychic
She met her guru, Dilip Kumar Roy ( see blog 86) in 1946.
When she first saw him an electric current shot up from the base of her spine
to her neck. He refused to take her as his disciple and advised her to come and
visit Sri Aurobindo’s (guru of Dilip) ashram and take him as her guru. She had
no idea of an ashram, and dreaded ashram life. She was a rich, modern, , vivacious,
cultured, educated woman who loved to dance.
In February 1949, when her second son was one year old, she
finally went to visit Pondicherry and had the darshan( seeing a holy person or place ) of Mother and Sri
Aurobindo. Her whole body went cool and numb.
Dada ( elder brother, Dilip Kumar Roy ) told her that she
was ‘called’, but she had to choose to be chosen. She decided that she should
go back to her home and see if the ‘call’ was real.
She went back to her family and was very happy to see
everybody, but next day she felt desolate.
Next day she sat down for meditation, for the first time in
her life. An electric current rose from the base of her spine to her head. Peace like a block of ice descended on her.
Her body became numb. There was no thought, no prayer, and no ecstasy. Next he
felt somebody shaking her. Five and a half hour had passed. She soon became
God-intoxicated. That state lasted for three months. She would also have period
of intense sadness and despair.
One day, as she was meditating, an electric current shot up
from the base of her spine and went up to her head. Her head opened, as it
seemed to her, and she found herself floating in the air. She could see her
body seated on the floor (compare with St Teressa of Avilla, blog 76). There
was no thought, just peace and bliss. This was savikalpa smadhi
She started feeling the presence of God around her all the
She had the most amazing experience of black magic in August
1949. A sadhu (monk) of extremely
beautiful features came to her and asked her to be her associate. He said that,
jointly, they could achieve great things. Indra refused. He threatened her. His
voice, blood -shot eyes would come in her vision. She became dangerously sick. It
turned out that the magician, through her maid, was poisoning her. Dilip Kumar
Roy and Sri Aurobindo were contacted. Sri Aurobindo wrote back that she should
immediately come to his and Mother’s ashram for protection, and that she was in
mortal danger and would otherwise die. She left her house on a stretcher. The magician
did not leave her even in the ashram. He tried to choke her. She found bruises
and fingerprints on her throat. The magician appeared in her bathroom in the
form of Dada. She cried out loudly for her guru. Immediately the spell was
broken and she saw that the form was of the magician. He shoved her into the
Next day she was told during meditation that the magician’s
hold on her will cease by the next full moon.
Within a month the magician had a paralytic stroke and died
in great agony.
To be continued
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