151. Development and critique of
religious thought. Part three
understand the good that the religion has done, let us compare the Island of
Tahiti before and after missionaries came and spread Christianity. They
reformed the place. Here is an account of Darwin in 1835, when he visited the
island, and the history of arrival of missionaries:
On 5 March 1797, representatives of the London Missionary Society landed at Point Venus (Mahina) on board HMS Duff, with the intention of saving the native populations from paganism. The arrival of these missionaries marked a new turning point for the island of Tahiti, having a lasting impact on the local culture.
Excerpts from the Diary entry of Darwin:
20th. 1835—………….
was very anxious to form, from my own observation, a judgment of their moral
State……… (Darwin had read) that the
Tahitians had become a gloomy race, and lived in fear of the missionaries. Of
the latter feeling I saw no trace, unless, indeed, fear and respect be
confounded under one name. Instead of discontent being a common
Feeling, it would be difficult in Europe
to pick out of a crowd half so many merry and happy faces.
The prohibition of the flute and dancing
is inveighed against as wrong and foolish; — the more than Presbyterian manner
of keeping the Sabbath is looked at in a similar light. …….
On the whole, it appears to me that the
morality and religion of the inhabitants are highly creditable
There are many who attack, even more
acrimoniously than Kotzebue, the missionaries, their system, and the effects
produced by it. Such reasoners never compare the present state with that of the
island only twenty years ago; nor even with that of Europe at this day; but
they compare it with the high standard of Gospel perfection. They expect the
missionaries to affect that which the Apostles themselves failed to do.
Inasmuch as the condition of the people falls short of this high standard,
blame is attached to the missionary, instead of credit for that which he has affected.
They forget, or will not remember, that human sacrifices, and the power of an
idolatrous priesthood — a system of profligacy (shamelessly
immoral or debauched) unparalleled in any other part of the world
— infanticide a consequence of that system — bloody wars, where the conquerors
spared neither women nor children — that all these have been abolished; and
that dishonesty, intemperance, and licentiousness have been greatly reduced by
the introduction of Christianity. In a voyager to forget these things is base
ingratitude; for should he chance to be at the point of shipwreck on some
unknown coast, he will most devoutly pray that the lesson of the missionary may
have extended thus far.
In point of morality, the virtue of the
women, it has been often said, is most open to exception. But before they are
blamed too severely, it will be well distinctly to call to mind the scenes
described by Captain Cook and Mr. Banks, in which the grandmothers
And mothers of the present race played a
part. Those who are most severe, should consider how much of the morality of
the women in Europe is owing to the system early impressed by mothers on their
daughters, and how much in each individual
case to the precepts of religion. But it
is useless to argue against such reasoners; —I believe that, disappointed in
not finding the field of licentiousness quite so open as formerly, they will
not give credit to a morality which they do not wish to practice, or to a
religion which they undervalue, if not despise.
Bloody wars, human sacrifices, idolatry, shameless
immorality of women were abolished in Tahiti.
My main quarrel (amongst many) with religions is
their intolerance. Each religion is considered the latest and final word of
God. So many wars have been fought in the name of religion, countless persons
have died. Even as I write these lines (July 2014), Muslims, Hindus, Christians
and Jews are fighting with each other. There
are not many countries in the world where there is no threat of terrorism, or
terrorist attacks have not taken place, in the name of religion ( and in some
cases, the sects of same religion fighting with each other ); USA, Russia,
China, France, UK, Spain, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya,
Chad, Mali, Algeria, Libya, Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma Pakistan, India,
Afghanistan, Iraq, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Palestinian Lands,
Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt, are some of the examples.
Critics may say that I have let go religions too
lightly. I did not mention their numerous defects, especially some of their
wrong teachings, even if we disregard the practices. A tree should be judged by
its fruit. If intolerance and bigotry are the hallmarks of the fervent
followers of most religions, then why blame the followers and exculpate the
religions? It is the teachings which produced the followers. Critics are right.
I have purposely avoided it, due to two considerations: When I write, I ask
myself two questions ?
Is this writing appropriate for a
spiritual blog?
Does it bring harmony or strife
amongst human beings?
criticism of the teaching and practices of various religions will not bring
human beings closer but split them further apart.
must mention my two conclusions regarding social role of religion. I have
thought about it for some time.
Religion should have no role in government. In other words, in the old debate
of church and state, I consider that the two should be separate. Religion is a
personal matter between an individual and God.
In order for religion to maintain relevancy in the next thousands of years, it
must learn to innovate and adapt. Rigidity, which was its greatest strength in
surviving the upheaval of science and technology, is also its greatest weakness.
Scholars of all Middle East religions attempt to explain those writings of
their Holy Books which contradict science and common sense by interpreting them
in novel ways so that they are in accord with modern age ( one can derive any
meaning from scriptures, by giving new meaning to the words ; a day can be one
day or a million years ) . These attempts are laughable; for instance, does
anyone really believe that Eve was created from the rib of Adam? All such
attempts are bound to fail. To this mote, the answer is simple; People, ideologies, culture, books, almost
everything, should be judged in the context of their times. During the
Vietnam War soldiers in uniform were mocked with anti- war slogans, and called
baby killers, in many streets of America. Now the same soldiers are held in
high esteem, because they answered the call of their country.
were given examples, by prophets, which they could readily understand. Raging
fires of hell were contrasted with green gardens, trees with fruits , beautiful
women and cool canals of heaven.
apply twenty first century standards on books, ideologies and people who lived
hundreds and thousands of years ago.
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