159. Saint Augustine. Part
What impresses a person the most about St. Augustine is his
love for God, and his habit of thinking. Both are overawing. He had a towering
intellect. He pondered over things which most people take for granted and never
give a second thought.
He wrote the book ‘Confessions’ in 397-8 (1), which is
considered a classic in spiritual literature. Whatever I am going to write
about him is taken from this book (except my personal opinions), and is
therefore 100% authentic. We may differ from his opinions, but we cannot doubt
his sincerity. He is unduly harsh upon himself throughout his book. Some of the
things for which he criticizes himself so severely were sort of trivial. For
instance he and his friends stole pears from a neighbor’s tree. He did not even
eat them. He was just a boy of sixteen, swept under peer pressure, to make
mischief. Nowadays, it won’t be considered stealing but the rowdy behavior of a
bunch of teenagers. But look at a sample of what he says, and carries on in
four pages:
is certain, O Lord, that theft is punished by Your law………..For no thief can
bear that another thief should steal from him, even if he is rich and the other
is driven to it by want. Yet I was willing to steal, and steal I did, although
I was not compelled by any lack….. a greedy love of doing wrong. For what I
stole I already had plenty………and I had no wish to enjoy the thing I coveted by
stealing, but enjoy the theft itself and the sin’.
Let us take the first point; his love for God. Every page of
this 347 pages book, mentions the magnificence of God and his love for Him.
Sometimes dozens of time in a single page. Let me give you an example; book 1:
will grant me to rest content in You? To whom shall I turn for the gift of Your
coming in my heart and filling it to the brim, so that I may forget all the
wrong I have done and embrace You alone, my only source of good?
do You mean so much to me? Help me to find words to explain. Why do I mean so much to You, that You should command me to love You? O Lord, my God, tell me why
You mean so much to me. Whisper in my
heart, I am here to save you( Psalm, 34:3 )………….I shall hear Your voice and
make haste to clasp You to myself. Do not hide Your face from me, for I would
gladly accept death to see It, for not to see it would be death indeed”.
He is talking to God, all the time, in this book. He is telling
Him his problems. He is confessing his sins. He is begging for His mercy. He is
thanking Him for all the things that He has given him. He is asking him to show
him light on some of the thorniest issues of all times; such as, where does sin
come from? What is Time? How to reconcile passages of Bible to the scientific
discoveries of his time? How were the prophets able to predict future events?
He asks for His help to conquer lust, his major weakness.
The sentence that I highlighted (Why do I mean so much to You, that You should command me to love You?) carries an extremely
important point in mysticism. I want to explain what St. Augustine meant.
What he is saying is that God need not have bothered Himself
about him. He is just one human amongst billions of humans on planet earth,
which is one of perhaps hundred billions planets in our galaxy, which is one of
a hundred billion galaxies. It is God’s mercy to note Augustine
and help him. God could have kept on doing what He was doing, but He paused and
helped Augustine. This mote, only recently, understood God’s mercy, His
kindness, in noticing this speck. We, lovers of God, think that our love
somehow compels Him, as if He likes flattery (see footnote). Yogananda said as
much in his book (2), that God is drawn to the tears and sighs of a lover of
God. Nothing compels God; He just takes pity on His devotee. My interpretation
is that God likes a true devotee, because he cares about God and not the world
and is different from others. Such persons are rare, perhaps one in a thousand.
Their desire to reach God is noticed by God. How does God help them?
He puts, in
their heart, love for God. And that is what St Augustine meant.
So the sequence of events is somewhat like this: A person
wants to be near God and prays for it repeatedly, God notices it, God takes
pity on him, and He puts His love in his heart. The love for God gives great
strength to the person, and he travels on the path towards God despite
tremendous difficulties and sorrows.
(1) ‘Confessions’ by St Augustine,
Penguin Edition
(2). ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ by Yogananda
Footnote. This mote has written approximately 6 blogs on
Daata Gunj Bakhash, the 11th century mystic buried in Lahore,
Pakistan. I once asked, through somebody, an exalted saint who communicates
with spirit of Data Sahib, that did Data Sahib like my blogs. The saint replied
that Daata Sahib is beyond these things. Surely then, God is beyond censure or
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