175. Jesus Christ seen/heard
over centuries. Part seven
To continue the narrative of the vision of Jesus by Ramdas
while he was in a cave.
He wore a long, dark, chocolate colored robe or gown with
wide, loose sleeves. What fascinated Ramdas were his eyes. They were
scintillating like twin stars. The rays they were emitting were filled with
tenderness, love and compassion.
Ramdas gazed on them, charmed and delighted. It struck him:
“This is Jesus Christ.” There was another person beside him, but Ramdas’s eyes
were not for him, although he was aware of his presence. He might be a
disciple. Now Christ’s lips moved. He was speaking. Ramdas listened but could
not make out what he said. The tongue seemed strange and unknown to him. For
perhaps a minute he spoke; then the vision vanished, while the glow of light in
the cave remained for some more minutes. Ramdas was completely immersed in
ecstasy and only came to external consciousness after broad daylight.
10. The great
mystic of 19the century, Ramakrishna, (blogs 19-24), had visions of Jesus
Christ (1). Before the visions, for some months, he had been listening to Bible
by Sambucharan Mallick. Thus he came to know of the pure life of Jesus and the
religion he had founded. The desire to follow the Sadhanas (spiritual
practices) of that path arose in his mind. It was soon that this event
He was sitting in the garden
house of a devotee, Jadunath Mallick. There were some good pictures hanging on
the walls of that room. One of those pictures was of that of the child Jesus in
his mother’s lap. He was looking intently at the picture and was thinking of
the extraordinary life of Jesus, when he felt that the picture came to life,
and that effulgent rays of light, coming out from the bodies of the mother and
the child, entered into his heart and changed radically all the ideas in his
………Rising with a great force,
the waves of those impressions completely submerged the Hindu ideas in his mind.
His love and devotion to the Devas and Devis vanished, and in their stead, a
great faith in, and reverence for Jesus and his religion occupied his mind………
The Master came back to
Dakshineswar temple and remained constantly absorbed in the meditation of those
inner happenings. He forgot altogether to go to the temple of the Divine Mother
and pay obeisance to Her. The waves of those ideas had a mastery over his mind
in that manner for three days.
At last, when the third day was
going to close, the Master saw, while walking under the Panchavati that a
marvelous god-man of very fair complexion was coming towards him, looking
steadfastly at him. As soon the Master saw that person, he knew that he was a
foreigner. He saw that his long eyes gave a wonderful beauty to his face, and
the tip of his nose, though a little flat, did not at all impair that beauty.
The Master was charmed to see the extraordinary divine expression of that
handsome face, and wondered who he was. Very soon the person approached him,
and thereupon from the depth of the Master’s pure heart came out with a ringing
sound, the words, “Jesus the Christ! The great Yogi, the loving son of God, one
with the Father, who gave his heart’s blood and put up with endless tortures in
order to deliver man from sorrow and misery.” Jesus, the god-man, then embraced
the Master and disappeared into his body, and the master entered into ecstasy,
lost normal consciousness and remained identified for some time with
omnipresent Brahmin with attributes (Supreme God). Having attained the vision
of Jesus, the Master became free from the slightest doubt about Christ being an
incarnation of God.
One day, long after the event,
he asked some disciples, that what was the physical description of Jesus in the
Bible? They replied that the description was not available in the Bible, but
since he was a Jew, he must be very fair in complexion, with long eyes and aquiline
nose. The Master said, “But I saw that the tip of his nose was a little flat; I
don’t know why I saw him like that.” They came to know, shortly after the
Master passed away, that there were three different descriptions of Jesus’
physical features; and according to one of them the tip of his nose was a
little flat.
11. There are other numerous visions/locutions of Jesus over the
last two thousand years. I have omitted them for various reasons; either they
lacked a bodily form of Jesus, or the account was written years later by
persons who had not met the individual who had experienced the vision, or were
of doubtful authenticity because either the events were implausible or
reflected more of that person’s own thoughts. However, the visions/locutions of
Saint Catherine of Sienna, and the Blessed Henry Susso are numerous and
noteworthy. I have decided to narrate them in separate blogs.
(1) Sri Ramakrishna; the Great Master by
Swami Saradananda
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